The Wild Hunt is a well-known myth: A ghostly leader and his group of hunters and hounds flying through the cold night sky during the winter solstice, as the winds...
Yule is a time for feasting, giving gifts, drinking, dancing, and decorating trees. A festive holiday that happens right by the end of the year. Sounds familiar? All those traditions that...
Much more than a writing system, the Runes represented the fates themselves. Even today their influence can still be felt, as many letters from our modern alphabet bear a striking resemblance to old...
There are few Viking symbols so emblematic as Thor's Hammer, the Mighty Mjölnir. Discover here how one of the most powerful weapons of all the Gods was created!
The hidden realm of Hel brings a mixture of dread and fascination to all. But it may be different than what you think. What does Hel look like? Find out...
The terrible living dead raise from their tombs to once again bring terror and mischief amongst the... Vikings?! Much more than a zombie or a ghost: a Norse mix of...
Njord is the God of the sea, its wealth and bounty. He is one of the most important Gods of the Norse pantheon and widely worshiped by traders and fishermen.
The God Ullr is a master hunter, provider, Oath keeper, regent of Asgard and even likely the inventor of ice skiing. Truly one of the most important Gods of the North!
Leif Erikson is one of the most famous Norse figures in the world. His legacy lives on through many statues and even a day in his honor. This is the story...
Norse jewelry presented a diverse array of adornments for both men and women. These included neck rings, necklaces, bracelets, finger and toe rings, armrings, earrings, amulets and pendants, armbands, beads,...