Few subjects fascinate the human mind so much as its own mortality. The Norse Faith has many afterlives, and the concepts of absolute good or evil as well of eternal...
The Wild Hunt is a well-known myth: A ghostly leader and his group of hunters and hounds flying through the cold night sky during the winter solstice, as the winds...
Fate or Wyrd can be hard to understand even for the wisest of the Gods. When Allfather Odin tried to change the destiny of a nation by altering who would...
The God Ullr is a master hunter, provider, Oath keeper, regent of Asgard and even likely the inventor of ice skiing. Truly one of the most important Gods of the North!
Meaning “Fate of the Gods” in old Norse, Ragnarök is the end of days, the apocalyptic when an age finishes. Ragnarök is a prophecy of what was to come, a detailed description of...
Meaning “Fate of the Gods” in old Norse, Ragnarök is the end of days, the apocalyptic event when an age finishes. Ragnarök is a prophecy of what was to come, a...
Brave warriors who die in battle end up in one of two places. Half go to join the Goddess Freyja hall Sessrúmnir in her realm of Fólkvangr. The other half...
Loki has always been mischievous and cunning, but during the early days, his cunning was always at the service of Asgard. If there ever was a turning point to Loki’s...
Loki has always been mischievous and cunning, but during the early days, his cunning was always at the service of Asgard. If there ever was a turning point to Loki’s demeanor,...