Discover more about the great vessels the Norsemen used for trade and raids. The Vikings' longships are one of the greatest symbols of the era and remain an icon of...
Uncontrollable rage and bloodlust, Viking berserkers were fierce warriors said to have fought in a trance-like fury. Learn more about the Berserkers, the Chosen of Odin!
Seafarers by nature, the Norse build the most advanced ships of their time. Used both for trading and for Viking Raids, the Longship was the most advanced vehicle of its...
In 865, after almost on hundred years of the beginning of the Viking Age, a large Viking army invaded England, and it came to stay. The Great Heathen Army came...
Wealth in the Viking world came in many forms, from pillaging to trading. It is common knowledge that the people from the North were accomplished traders and explorers, but their...
Valhalla is not a place for idleness, it is a Warrior's paradise, filled with fighting during the day and feasting during the night! Learn more about the (after)life of the worthy...
The epic tale of Brunhilde inspired storytellers for generations, creating classics in literature, movies and even operas. Learn more about Brunhilde, the most famous Valkyrie in Midgard!
The great war in heavens, the Aesir-Vanir war could have caused the destruction of all Gods. Instead it brought the birth of the wisest man who ever lived.
Find out what really happened on Viking Funerals. Read the historical description of a high-chief funeral arrangements, straight from an eyewitness, the X Century Ambassador from Baghdad Ahmad Ibn Fadlan.
The word “Viking” actually does have a meaning of its own, and it is not a collective for peoples of the north. It is a profession, and it is much more...