The lives of Norse women during the Viking Age were marked by unique social roles, relative freedom and duties that were rarely seen at the time. Unlike many other societies of their...
Dísir, the supernatural beings of the North are primarily associated with fate, fertility and protection. They are a group of supernatural beings, with the most famous members of said group being the Norns,...
For a long part of human history silver was more valuable than gold, and the Norse peoples and Vikings were always keen in showing their love for Silver Jewelry, the most luxurious...
The hidden realm of Hel brings a mixture of dread and fascination to all. But it may be different than what you think. What does Hel look like? Find out...
The terrible living dead raise from their tombs to once again bring terror and mischief amongst the... Vikings?! Much more than a zombie or a ghost: a Norse mix of...
Norse jewelry presented a diverse array of adornments for both men and women. These included neck rings, necklaces, bracelets, finger and toe rings, armrings, earrings, amulets and pendants, armbands, beads,...
Despite the common depiction of the Norse peoples and Vikings in particular as rough, grimy, and violent, they were, in reality, a refined culture that placed great emphasis on personal...
Seafarers by nature, the Norse build the most advanced ships of their time. Used both for trading and for Viking Raids, the Longship was the most advanced vehicle of its...
The death of Baldr, son of Odin and beloved by all shook the nine realms. Even Hel herself would allow Baldr to return to the living, but Loki had other...