Norse Legends

The Viking Axe

The Viking Axe

By The StormCrow Jun 14, 2024

The mighty axe. Cheap, versatile and deadly!

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The Viking daily life

The Viking daily life

By The StormCrow Apr 5, 2024

How was a normal day for a Viking? The ordinary nature of how the Norse peoples and Vikings lived day-to-day may surprise you. In fact, the daily life in the north...

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Viking Slavery: The Tough Life of the Thrall

Viking Slavery: The Tough Life of the Thrall

By The StormCrow Mar 22, 2024

Life for thralls was clearly harsh. How harsh? Learn more here how was the life of a Slave in the Viking society.

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The Epic Duel Between Thor and the Jotun Hrungnir

The Epic Duel Between Thor and the Jotun Hrungnir

By The StormCrow Nov 10, 2023

A race to Valhalla and a rude guest led to one of the most epic battles between Thor and a Stone Giant... and a headache that lasts to this day!

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Ullr, God of the Hunt and Regent of Asgard

Ullr, God of the Hunt and Regent of Asgard

By Daniel Frank Sep 14, 2023

The God Ullr is a master hunter, provider, Oath keeper, regent of Asgard and even likely the inventor of ice skiing. Truly one of the most important Gods of the North!

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Old Norse Law and (some) Order

Old Norse Law and (some) Order

By The StormCrow Jul 21, 2023

The ancient Norse had a complicated system of honor and justice developed over many centuries, a system very similar to the British-American Common Law, based on judgement by their own peers,...

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Tyr, God of War, Law and Justice

Tyr, God of War, Law and Justice

By The StormCrow Jun 16, 2023

Who is the God Tyr? Patron of Law, Justice and War, the three were often the same for a Viking! Read more here.

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The Rich Story of the Viking Economics

The Rich Story of the Viking Economics

By The StormCrow Jan 6, 2023

Wealth in the Viking world came in many forms, from pillaging to trading. It is common knowledge that the people from the North were accomplished traders and explorers, but their...

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Asgard Walls and Sleipnir, the Best of All Horses

Asgard Walls and Sleipnir, the Best of All Horses

By The StormCrow Aug 19, 2022

Learn how Loki saved Asgard, the home of the Gods, and the bizarre tale of how Odin's horse Sleipnir was born!

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The Punishment of Loki

The Punishment of Loki

By The StormCrow May 27, 2022

The Gods finally had their fill with Loki. After an eternity of mischief he had finally gone too far: Baldr was dead.  No stone in the Nine Realms was left...

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Forseti the Lawspeaker God

Forseti the Lawspeaker God

By The StormCrow Apr 1, 2022

Forseti, the Lawspeaker God is one of the less known Gods of the Norse Pantheon, but his importance cannot be denied. Learn more about Forseti, the Lawspeaker God.

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Rollo of Normandy, from Viking Raider to Lord

Rollo of Normandy, from Viking Raider to Lord

By The StormCrow Sep 10, 2021

The mighty Rollo, first Duke of Normandy, a Viking hero so great that no horse could carry him!

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