The lives of Norse women during the Viking Age were marked by unique social roles, relative freedom and duties that were rarely seen at the time. Unlike many other societies of their...
Dísir, the supernatural beings of the North are primarily associated with fate, fertility and protection. They are a group of supernatural beings, with the most famous members of said group being the Norns,...
Few subjects fascinate the human mind so much as its own mortality. The Norse Faith has many afterlives, and the concepts of absolute good or evil as well of eternal...
According to the Prose Edda, the Island of Sjælland (Zealand) in Denmark was created in a single day by the Goddess Gefion, who ploughed the island from Sweden with the help...
How did the Vikings counted the time of the year before the adoption of the modern calendar? Learn about the old calendar used by the Norse and Icelandic peoples here.
Fate or Wyrd can be hard to understand even for the wisest of the Gods. When Allfather Odin tried to change the destiny of a nation by altering who would...
Leif Erikson is one of the most famous Norse figures in the world. His legacy lives on through many statues and even a day in his honor. This is the story...
Norse jewelry presented a diverse array of adornments for both men and women. These included neck rings, necklaces, bracelets, finger and toe rings, armrings, earrings, amulets and pendants, armbands, beads,...