Váli, born of Odin and Rindr, stands as a testament to the Norse ideals of fate and vengeance. His birth was not a happenstance but a calculated response to the...
Dragons, magic rings, powerful swords and epic heroes: they are all staples in our culture, and it all began with the XIII century Völsung Saga. The Völsung Saga recounts tales...
For the Norse peoples during the Viking Age, outlawry (útlegð in Old Norse) represented one of the harshest punishments a person could endure. This punishment stripped individuals of all legal protections and...
The lives of Norse women during the Viking Age were marked by unique social roles, relative freedom and duties that were rarely seen at the time. Unlike many other societies of their...
The God of Thunder leads many adventures throughout the nine realms and, whenever possible, the Prince of Asgard rides to glory in style: in his trusty chariot, pulled by his two...
The ancient Norse had a complicated system of honor and justice developed over many centuries, a system very similar to the British-American Common Law, based on judgement by their own peers,...
Brave warriors who die in battle end up in one of two places. Half go to join the Goddess Freyja hall Sessrúmnir in her realm of Fólkvangr. The other half...
Loki has always been mischievous and cunning, but during the early days, his cunning was always at the service of Asgard. If there ever was a turning point to Loki’s...
The Gods finally had their fill with Loki. After an eternity of mischief he had finally gone too far: Baldr was dead. No stone in the Nine Realms was left...
Nidhogg is one of the most infamous of dragons in the Norse cosmos, and even its name is almost a curse. Forever chewing upon Yggdrasil roots, the evil dragon seeks...