The seafaring Norse people are often remembered for their daring raids, exploration and settlement during the Viking Age. While their navigation and exploration skills are widely celebrated, their prowess in...
There are few Viking symbols so emblematic as Thor's Hammer, the Mighty Mjölnir. Discover here how one of the most powerful weapons of all the Gods was created!
The true kings of the battlefield during the Viking Age, Spears are deadly, practical and cheap to make. The favored weapon of Allfather Odin, the spear was the most commonly...
The God of Thunder awoke to find his trusty hammer missing. Who would dare steal from Thor?
More importantly, how far would Thor go to recover his Mighty Hammer Mjöllnir?
Uncontrollable rage and bloodlust, Viking berserkers were fierce warriors said to have fought in a trance-like fury. Learn more about the Berserkers, the Chosen of Odin!
Vikings were well versed in the arts of warfare. Menacing and fierce, with the Gods of war on their side and mighty steel on their hands, they shaped an era and...
How Was a Viking Chieftain Armed?
The Gjermundbu Discovery reveals the answer based on the archeological findings in a grave dating back to the years 950 – 970 AD.