Norse Legends

Tyr, God of War, Law and Justice

Tyr, God of War, Law and Justice

By The StormCrow Jun 16, 2023

Who is the God Tyr? Patron of Law, Justice and War, the three were often the same for a Viking! Read more here.

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Kvasir, the wisest man who ever lived and Óðrerir, the Mead of Poetry

Kvasir, the wisest man who ever lived and Óðrerir, the Mead of Poetry

By The StormCrow Jun 9, 2023

Created by the Gods, Kvasir was the wisest man that ever lived and the source of the fabled Mead of Poetry. The Mead, made with Kvasir blood, is shared with mankind...

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Valkyries: Myth and Legend

Valkyries: Myth and Legend

By The StormCrow Jun 2, 2023

Brave warriors who die in battle end up in one of two places. Half go to join the Goddess Freyja hall Sessrúmnir in her realm of Fólkvangr. The other half...

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The Cats that Pull Freyja's Chariot: Bygul and Trjegul

The Cats that Pull Freyja's Chariot: Bygul and Trjegul

By The StormCrow May 19, 2023

Bygul and Trjegul are the mythical cats that accompany the Goddess Freya. These cats large male gray or blue cats are known for their loyalty and their ability to pull Freyja’s chariot across the sky.

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Norse Dragons

Norse Dragons

By The StormCrow May 5, 2023

Popularized in modern times, dragons were always part of the Norse culture and religion. Jörmungandr, Nidhögr, Fafnir and others, these are the original dragons of myth and legend.

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The Theft of Thor's Hammer Mjolnir: The Lay of Thrym

The Theft of Thor's Hammer Mjolnir: The Lay of Thrym

By The StormCrow Apr 28, 2023

The God of Thunder awoke to find his trusty hammer missing. Who would dare steal from Thor? More importantly, how far would Thor go to recover his Mighty Hammer Mjöllnir?

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The Viking Siege of Paris part 2 of 2: Rollo the Walker and the Second Siege in the year 885

The Viking Siege of Paris part 2 of 2: Rollo the Walker and the Second Siege in the year 885

By The StormCrow Apr 21, 2023

Forty years after the first siege of Paris, another large Viking fleet of a few hundred ships sailed up the Seine. The year is 885, and Rollo leads his Vikings...

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The Viking Siege of Paris part 1 of 2: Ragnar Lothbrok and the First Siege in the year 845

The Viking Siege of Paris part 1 of 2: Ragnar Lothbrok and the First Siege in the year 845

By The StormCrow Apr 14, 2023

The first siege of Paris was a direct response from the legendary hero Ragnar Lothbrok to the breaking of an oath made by the king of France Charles II. When king...

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The seeds of betrayal: Loki, Thor and the Jotun Geirrod – Part 2 of 2

The seeds of betrayal: Loki, Thor and the Jotun Geirrod – Part 2 of 2

By The StormCrow Apr 7, 2023

Loki has always been mischievous and cunning, but during the early days, his cunning was always at the service of Asgard. If there ever was a turning point to Loki’s...

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The Seeds of Betrayal: Loki, Thor and the Jotun Geirrod – Part 1 of 2

The Seeds of Betrayal: Loki, Thor and the Jotun Geirrod – Part 1 of 2

By The StormCrow Mar 31, 2023

Loki has always been mischievous and cunning, but during the early days, his cunning was always at the service of Asgard. If there ever was a turning point to Loki’s demeanor,...

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Fylgja: the Norse Guardian Spirit

Fylgja: the Norse Guardian Spirit

By The StormCrow Mar 24, 2023

The Fylgja is a Norse guardian “spirit” that accompanies the living since their birth. A concept as old as time that exists in almost every culture around the globe. A...

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