Norse Legends

Some of the most Famous Types of The Viking Longships

Some of the most Famous Types of The Viking Longships

By The StormCrow Mar 3, 2023

Discover more about the great vessels the Norsemen used for trade and raids. The Vikings' longships are one of the greatest symbols of the era and remain an icon of...

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The Viking Longship

The Viking Longship

By The StormCrow Jan 27, 2023

Seafarers by nature, the Norse build the most advanced ships of their time. Used both for trading and for Viking Raids, the Longship was the most advanced vehicle of its...

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Danelaw: When Vikings Ruled England

Danelaw: When Vikings Ruled England

By The StormCrow Jan 13, 2023

In 865, after almost on hundred years of the beginning of the Viking Age, a large Viking army invaded England, and it came to stay. The Great Heathen Army came...

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The Rich Story of the Viking Economics

The Rich Story of the Viking Economics

By The StormCrow Jan 6, 2023

Wealth in the Viking world came in many forms, from pillaging to trading. It is common knowledge that the people from the North were accomplished traders and explorers, but their...

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The Viking Funeral

The Viking Funeral

By The StormCrow Jul 29, 2022

Find out what really happened on Viking Funerals. Read the historical description of a high-chief funeral arrangements, straight from an eyewitness, the X Century Ambassador from Baghdad Ahmad Ibn Fadlan.

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The Viking City of Dublin

The Viking City of Dublin

By The StormCrow Jul 15, 2022

The Vikings settled in Dublin from 841 AD onwards. During their reign Dublin became the most important town in Ireland as well as a hub for the western Viking expansion...

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What does it means to be a Viking

What does it means to be a Viking

By The StormCrow Jul 8, 2022

The word “Viking” actually does have a meaning of its own, and it is not a collective for peoples of the north. It is a profession, and it is much more...

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Rollo of Normandy, from Viking Raider to Lord

Rollo of Normandy, from Viking Raider to Lord

By The StormCrow Sep 10, 2021

The mighty Rollo, first Duke of Normandy, a Viking hero so great that no horse could carry him!

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The Vikings in America

The Vikings in America

By The StormCrow Apr 16, 2021

Learn more about the first Europeans to ever set foot in the Americas, the Vikings!

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Who are Aegir and Ran, the Giant Friends of the Gods

Who are Aegir and Ran, the Giant Friends of the Gods

By The StormCrow Apr 9, 2021

Hosts of the Gods and master brewers, learn more about the famous Jotun couple who fathered the waves!

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Harald Bluetooth, King of Denmark

Harald Bluetooth, King of Denmark

By The StormCrow Feb 5, 2021

Learn more here about the great Harald Bluetooth, unifier and King of Denmark!

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