In Norse culture Cats may not be as prominent as other mythological creatures, such as wolves or dragons, but their significance is deeply rooted in the myths and daily lives...
Observing the vibrant, dancing lights across the polar skies must have been a mesmerizing sight for these early Norse people, and the northern lights soon became woven into the fabric of myth and legend.
The lives of Norse women during the Viking Age were marked by unique social roles, relative freedom and duties that were rarely seen at the time. Unlike many other societies of their...
Few subjects fascinate the human mind so much as its own mortality. The Norse Faith has many afterlives, and the concepts of absolute good or evil as well of eternal...
Having the power of granting youth and vigor through her golden fruits, Idun has a tremendous importance in the Norse pantheon. Learn more about Idun and her golden eplis here!
Yule is a time for feasting, giving gifts, drinking, dancing, and decorating trees. A festive holiday that happens right by the end of the year. Sounds familiar? All those traditions that...
Njord is the God of the sea, its wealth and bounty. He is one of the most important Gods of the Norse pantheon and widely worshiped by traders and fishermen.
Fate or Wyrd can be hard to understand even for the wisest of the Gods. When Allfather Odin tried to change the destiny of a nation by altering who would...
Brave warriors who die in battle end up in one of two places. Half go to join the Goddess Freyja hall Sessrúmnir in her realm of Fólkvangr. The other half...
Bygul and Trjegul are the mythical cats that accompany the Goddess Freya. These cats large male gray or blue cats are known for their loyalty and their ability to pull Freyja’s chariot across the sky.