In Norse culture Cats may not be as prominent as other mythological creatures, such as wolves or dragons, but their significance is deeply rooted in the myths and daily lives...
Observing the vibrant, dancing lights across the polar skies must have been a mesmerizing sight for these early Norse people, and the northern lights soon became woven into the fabric of myth and legend.
In Norse Mythology and Religion, ravens hold a significant place as mystical birds that symbolize wisdom, memory, and prophetic insight. Most famously associated with Odin, the Allfather, bridging the realms between Gods, humans,...
The Goddess Sif legacy has been overshadowed by that of her husband Thor in recent years, but she remains a cornerstone in the Norse faith. Sif is today more commonly...
The God of Thunder leads many adventures throughout the nine realms and, whenever possible, the Prince of Asgard rides to glory in style: in his trusty chariot, pulled by his two...
Vidar is a son of Odin and the half-brother of Thor. He is an incredibly strong God who is prophesied to both slay the mighty wolf Fenrir and to survive...
Do you know how the cosmos was created according to the Norse religion? The tale of the Three Brothers, Odin, Vili and Vé, the slaying of Ymir, the first giant,...
According to the Prose Edda, the Island of Sjælland (Zealand) in Denmark was created in a single day by the Goddess Gefion, who ploughed the island from Sweden with the help...