Forty years after the first siege of Paris, another large Viking fleet of a few hundred ships sailed up the Seine. The year is 885, and Rollo leads his Vikings...
The first siege of Paris was a direct response from the legendary hero Ragnar Lothbrok to the breaking of an oath made by the king of France Charles II. When king...
Uncontrollable rage and bloodlust, Viking berserkers were fierce warriors said to have fought in a trance-like fury. Learn more about the Berserkers, the Chosen of Odin!
In 865, after almost on hundred years of the beginning of the Viking Age, a large Viking army invaded England, and it came to stay. The Great Heathen Army came...
The epic tale of Brunhilde inspired storytellers for generations, creating classics in literature, movies and even operas. Learn more about Brunhilde, the most famous Valkyrie in Midgard!
How Was a Viking Chieftain Armed?
The Gjermundbu Discovery reveals the answer based on the archeological findings in a grave dating back to the years 950 – 970 AD.